How satisfying is it ticking off items on your to do list?
We have been so busy planning 2021 for our clients, there’s been little time to update you on the A to Mee roadmap for 2021. Having a marketing strategy is key, even for those in marketing and whilst we're still working on it for the year, I did have some goals for the first couple of months of 2021.
I can’t do anything without making a list, so here’s the list that I made in December for 2021, though admittedly the 2021 strategy is yet to come.
Hire a Marketing Executive – Done!
I quickly realised that whilst we are busy marketing everyone else, we have been neglecting A to Mee. If there is one thing that I believe in, it is that you should practice what you preach (That's my new year's resolution!) and without a marketing executive, I would not be able to do so, in so many ways. I used to worry that I would advise clients on a social media strategy, but didn't have an account for A to Mee, albeit, I'm a tad addicted on my personal account.
I’m super excited to announce that we have hired Lauren Evans as our marketing executive, who will be looking at all things marketing, digital and social for A to Mee.
Set up an Instagram Account – Done!
If you haven’t seen already, we are now live on Instagram. Check us out
I wrote a blog post on ensuring that you have a marketing strategy, utilising the right channels and speaking to the right people, however I’m also a first believer in doing something when you can do it properly. I advise clients on the same thing…if you don’t have resource to set up and manage social media channels, don’t do it. (Of course, A to Mee are here to help should you need us to manage it for you!)
I chose to use LinkedIn when I set up A to Mee as it was something that I could manage, however, now that we have the lovely Lauren, we are ready and raring to go, not only to grow our following and presence but also to test and try new features and functionality, to then report back and support our clients on.
Grow A to Mee…help more businesses and individuals impacted by Covid-19 – it’s a work in progress!
If there is one thing that I have learnt during my career, it’s that you should always go back to the strategy / goal when planning your next move. A to Mee was set up to help businesses, educate them about the importance of digital and help shift their strategy online. In addition, I really wanted to help anyone impacted by Covid-19 by offering them freelance work, to upskill, help pay the bills or even keep them sane. This remains the goal and therefore we hope to continue growing the business to stay true to our goal.
As always, we're super thankful for everyone's love and support. 2020 was definitely a year to remember.
Here's to a bigger and brighter 2021!
M x