How often have you wanted to say no to a client’s creative (or non-creative) vision, but have felt like there’s an invisible barrier stopping you from doing so and you simply…just can’t?

In this blog, we’re going to reiterate the fact that ‘no’ doesn’t have to be a negative word! By providing you with the why’s and how’s, we hope by the end of this blog you will see the forbidden word in a new and positive light.
Reasons WHY saying no is okay:
1. You are the expert. Yes, you! Your client has paid for your expertise which clearly means you are more knowledgeable in this field than they are. It’s like going to school and telling your teacher they’re wrong and them agreeing with you because they’re scared not to… that doesn’t sound right, does it?
2. It builds trust. Let’s put it this way. Who are you more likely to go for advice to? The friend who sugar-coats everything or the friend who helps you see the bigger picture and tells you things how they are. Exactly. Be THAT friend.
3. It’s not always a negative word. Although saying “no” may initially come across as harsh or even offensive, sometimes in the long run it’s for the greater good. Let’s put it into perspective once again. Your mum tells you not to eat too much junk food and you may kick up a fuss, but in the long run you know you will be healthier. Be the mum of marketing.
HOW to say no:
- Lead with empathy. For example, using phrases like “I definitely see why you like this! but…” can help your clients feel more connected and comfortable with you.
- Provide an explanation. Don’t say no without a backed-up reason. Explain to your client why it’s a no in your eyes. Is the colour palette too bold? Does the writing style not fit their tone of voice? If you explain why, they’re more likely to be satisfied and forgiving.
- Offer alternative solutions. Try not to leave your clients hanging and searching for answers by themselves. For example, saying something along the lines of “I think a better way of going about this is through doing x, y and z” will make them feel like they can truly rely and depend on you.
- Involve them in the process. Ask your client what their thoughts are once you provide an alternative solution. By doing so, it communicates that you take client satisfaction seriously and that you value client feedback.
By following these steps, you will not only gain confidence, but you will also see the relationship with your clients strengthen.
Good luck!
Bela x